
Pooktre by Peter Cook / Becky Northey

In 1987 Peter Cook had the idea, “I wonder if I can grow a chair” Nothing grew the way he expected. In 1988 he planted a wattle, it was to be a harveted pot plant stand. He watched and learned different tree laws.

In 1995 Becky Northey become Peter’s partner. They spent many cold nights sitting by the fire talking about the possibility’s of trees. Pooktre was born in Spring of 1996.

Peter and Becky were invited to be the featured artists at the Growing Village Pavilion for the 2005 World Expo in Japan. Where they were acknowledge as being world leaders in this art form.

Within the first year of their partnership the first three designs started to take shape. More designs and experiments are planted each spring.

We guide out tree’s growth onto predetermined design pathways. This is a very gentle but time-consuming way of shaping. We evolved our techniques of shaping trees in complete isolation from the rest of the world.

Most of the work with the trees, is done before we even touch the tree. The designing and setting up is crucial and fundamental to the success of the project. The growing is the magic of time bringing the project to fruition.

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